about john
dedicated to your success
John Laub is a faith-based motivational speaker who brings a unique approach to helping people reach their full potential. John’s inspirational words are backed by both his deep Christian faith and decades of wisdom from his years of experience in the business world. He does more than just recite platitudes; John offers tangible steps for his listeners to take to craft career and life paths that lead to fulfillment and success. John could truly be the ally you need on your journey towards growth and success, so don’t hesitate to seek him out if you’re ready to get the most out of life.
He is the perfect motivational speaker if you’re searching for a faith-based approach to addressing your personal and professional goals. John has over 25 years experience empowering individuals to reach their highest potential, helping them to recognize their capacity for success and carving out a path forward. He offers resources such as one-on-one coaching, seminars and customized workshops that allow John’s audience to learn practical strategies which can be instantly implemented in any arena. With John Laub’s inspiring words, personal guidance and access to invaluable insights, you’ll find the spark that drives you towards building a prosperous future.
helping you reach your full potential
John Laub’s experience as a faith-based motivational speaker and coach has been extremely valuable in motivating people to achieve the life they desire. John speaks from his own experiences with the help of God, drawing from scripture to illustrate how we should live our lives.
He also provides practical tools to help his audience apply what they have heard into their daily lives. John draws upon his vast spiritual knowledge and extensive educational accomplishments to provide real-world solutions for more intentional living and success in all aspects of life.